5 Child Labor countries in the world.


There are many countries that have child Labor some of them are listed below.

  • Africa
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • England
  • India

 Colonial empires

        Systematic use of child labor is common in colonies of European powers between 1650 and 1950. Africa, colonial administrators production orders, obtained a reward for services, which encourage traditional methods only adults for. Millions of children worked in the colonial agricultural plantations, mines and domestic services industry. Children sophisticated schemes have been implemented in the colonies between the ages of 5-14, where without pay in exchange for learning a trade was hired as an apprentice. 

A Farm Learning beggar system, 19th century, colonial and must master the parents' or the child's consent from their parents, came into play where to assign a child to work in a different colonial masters we ownership. including other projects earn and learn children and the UK, for example, a law passed masters and slaves, called the 1899 law. learn the programs, tax law and Dara followed by, or encourage child labor in the colonies, especially in the present legal ownership of part of the native land for working women and for children in Africa. these laws, the colonial government. required fields and as picannins.

The rules were imposed on beyond, the new tax the colonies. It was a head tax in British and French colonial empires of the tax. Over 8 years in the tax is imposed on the colonies. To pay taxes and fees, insurance, had to work for children's colonial houses.

Southeast Asia, in the colonies, was ignored by the appropriate British authorities as a cultural tradition, such as Mui Tsai Hong Kong, child labor,. Dutch East India Company officials as a way to save them from a fate worse than their rational use of child labor. In Zambia the schools of Christian missions in the areas of Nigeria gives to children, and for religious education, secular education. Elsewhere, the so-called Contract Act violations, Canadian law domain in the form of imprisonment for child workers uncooperative states.

Proposals to regulate child labor was launched as early as 1786.


        Children have been a constant theme in Africa working age. Many started working at home to help their parents in the tasks of the family farm. Children are often the result of persistent poverty in Africa, forced labor exploitation due to family debts and other financial factors. Child domestic labor in other types of commercial plantations, begging, and other sales are bright start, such as. In total, the gradual increases over five million children in the present harvest is estimated that there are working in agriculture. With 30 percent of children are taking sufficient, working throughout the year, an estimated 25,000 school-age children.

Children worked in industries that depend on you grew up in a rural area or an urban area or not. To help build a child born in urban areas often vendors, car wash on the streets, weaving cloth, and sometimes also found to work as exotic dancers. We grow up in rural areas who work with children worked on farms physical work, the animals, and sale of crops. All working children, street children and suffered physical and emotional abuse by their employers due to the most serious cases of trafficked children involved. To address the problem of child labor, the Child Rights Act was launched in the United Nations Convention on the poverty, lack of education and ignorance, 1959. No legal action forced the start or is accepted in Africa.

Other legal actions have been implemented by the end of the 1979 International Year of the Child by child labor has been reduced, including the implementation of the global response. Along with the UN Human Rights Committee, these two statements on many levels for the elimination of child labor. Although taken several steps to reverse the epidemic, takes to engage in this activity because of a problem child labor in Africa today are growing up and how long the unclear definition of the child remains in progress very important. Another issue that often comes into play may be due to cultural acceptance of children at home to help run the family business is the link between child labor. Finally, the national government is a constant challenge to consolidate its political control over child labor, and to increase education and awareness about the problem of children working below the legal age limit. Children play an important role in the African economy, child labor continues to play an important role for many in the 20th century. 


            Since European settlement in 1888, the convicted child had never been occasionally sent to Australia where she was forced to work. Child labor was not more than that required in Australia and the UK. With a small population, agricultural production was higher and had families facing hunger as in the industrialized countries. Australia was the late 20th century, when child labor laws and compulsory education was developed under the United Kingdom unless the industry. In the decade of 1870. Child labor was limited by compulsorry school.

Child labor laws in Australia vary from state to state. Generally, you are allowed to work with children at any age, but is not restricted to children under the age of 15 years. Working hours and type of work restrictions apply to children can perform. In all states, the minimum age children, Tasmania and Queensland, where the completion of 15 years of age are required to attend school until 15 years of age in all states.


     Pedro Alvares Cabral followed by the country was on April 22, 1550, the population has been a constant struggle for children in child labor Brazil. Many children took part in the work place, which was not always available, legal, or play. Free or slave labor was a common occurrence for many young people and they grew to adulthood, was a part of their daily lives. However, a child or young person, because there is no clear definition of what the colonial period to the rate it has little historical documentation of child labor to share. Because of this lack of documentation, which is how I used to kind of the nineteenth century is very difficult to determine the children. The Armando Dias, for example, while in November 1913 are still very small electric shock where he died on the job in the textile industry. Children were victims of industrial accidents on a daily basis.

In Brazil, the minimum working age, however, the 1934, 1937 and continuing constitutional amendments that occurred in 1946., 80s to the change by the military dictatorship, as fourteen. the sanctions were passed in 1998, rising again to another set, that is considered as dangerous to work in some types of construction materials, or factory, types of work in young people the limit can. Although the danger had taken several measures to reduce the incidence of child labor, there is a large number of working children and adolescents under the age of fourteen to Brazil.

Census data Brazil (PNAD, at the age of 2.55 million point 1999) 10-14 jobs a living legally. He joined the 3.7 million people 15-17 years old and about 375,000 5-9 years old. 14 restriction Omar, less than half of the registered youth workers working illegally was important labor leaders to be protected by law. Although enough time has passed to regulate child labor age, is still a large number of children working illegally in Brazil there. Many of the sales from his view sin, drugs, weapons and other illegal materials and transport used by drug cartels to transport. This type of work that young people are taking part in the physical and psychological consequences that come with these jobs is very dangerous. However, come with working with drug traffickers, despite the dangers, there is an increase in the area of employment in the country.


              For example, there are many factors that contribute to long-term economic growth in the United Kingdom, while labor's strong presence in the industrial revolution and industrialization in the 1700s. Children are not forced to work at an early age often. Because he needed to help his family survive financially, but they did. Due to the limited employment opportunities for many parents a way to help support the family farms and factories, feed their children and send to work. Child labor goods mass-produced domestic enterprises began to occur in England became the local labor market that have made a home. Most of those children was a simple change for many of the workers in the factory, has helped to produce the goods out of their homes because of his youth to make money. There are under ten years old allegations factories for many children, but most workers were the children of ten and fourteen years old. The age range for many young people it was an important moment for as long as they were in the first, while transfers to save for their future families to provide for their families.

In addition to responsibility, was to help support families with children financially. Another factor in child labor were Demographic changes that occurred in the eighteenth century. In the eighteenth century, the development of labor and industrial revolution only 20 percent of the population consists of children between the ages of 5 and 14. Due to this substantial change, the life companies outside of the home for children work early. However, although there was an increase in child labor in factories and cotton textile, it constantly had a number of children working in agriculture and domestic production.

It was a high percentage of children who work, lifting illiteracy and lack of a formal education, working to support their families become a widespread problem for many children. The disturbing trend because of this, many parents develop a change of mind in deciding to send their children to work or not. Economic changes in the economy and other factors resulted in a reduction of child labor, technology, wage growth increased in the changes, and continuous industrial law regulations.

The first legal measures taken to prevent the occurrence of child labor was implemented over fifty years ago. In 1966, economic, social rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly of the International Agreement. This act lawfully 14. However, 23 years later, in 1989, the Convention was adopted at the age of children's rights and children helped to reduce child abuse and at least What is the age range they demand safe working environment. He worked on the goal of eliminating the worst forms of child labor problems.


      In 2015, is the home of the largest number of children who are legally working in different industrial sectors of India. Where many children work in agriculture sector at an early age to help support his family in India. Are forced to work at a very young age of the children because the unemployment, family members, a number of poverty reduction, parental education and many family factors. It is often the main cause of child labor rates in India.

On June 23, 1757, the East India Company defeated the Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-war English Daula, Plassey. Thus, the British East India Bengal with a flourishing agriculture, industry and commerce, Bihar, Orissa became the owner of a prosperous region. This is due to produce large quantities of items of work, resulting in a large number of children forced to serve the growing need for cheap labor. Many multinational companies often employ more tolerable for children because they can be hired for less money, and use in industrial environments. He was one of their basic rights, which causes a problem or complaint, and often more confident because many are unaware of the services that were Indian. Search by many that comes with childhood innocence was used to gain an advantage and was driven by the need for family income.

India's non-governmental organization as well as a variety of social scientists (NGOs), the numeric data of child labor and extensive research to occur in India and it has come a third of India Child Labour that a quarter of child labor in Asia and the world. Children are illegal work due to a number, the Indian government to multiple initiatives focusing on the importance of facilitating the working of numbers decline, and growth and development of children started.

An eight-year-old, making his livelihood, 2011 showing a playful monkey on a train that runs in India.

The international implications of these children was adopted in 1924. Act Right Act in 1948 was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the Geneva Convention, which help foster basic human rights to take legal action in India in his younger years are the needs of children for proper growth and development. This international celebration of Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) of the workforce in India in 1986, which was when I started, I encourage significant changes. Under the age of 14 working in hazardous conditions and prohibits employment of children.

Increased due to legal regulations and restrictions on child labor, child labor is 64 percent in 1993-2005. Although, this is a reduction in the country, although there are a large number of children working in rural India. Is found in 85 percent of child labor in rural areas, and 15% occur in urban areas, are as of major concern still exist in India country.