Child abuse or ill-treatment, particularly if the parents or by other care, a child or children's physical, sexual or psychological abuse or neglect. May involve a parent or other caregiver any act or omission resulting in a child's actual or potential harm, and may be a child's home, or organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. Child abuse and child abuse terms often used interchangeably, but some researchers to cover the difference, on the treatment of child abandonment as a general term of abuse, exploitation and trafficking among them.
In Western countries, is considered a high priority to the prevention of child abuse, and there are laws and policies to deal with the problem. In order to remove a child from the prosecution of his / her family and / or a crime in the various regions have developed their own definitions of what constitutes child abuse to.
What may be different between the professionals and the definition of child abuse and the social and cultural groups. Misuse and abuse of the terms are used interchangeably in the literature. Child abuse can also be a generic term covering all forms of abuse and neglect of children's children. Their relationship with the cultural definition of child abuse and child, child development, and parenting, depending on the current. Definitions of child abuse, such as child protection agencies, legal, medical, public health officials, researchers, practitioners and communities of practice has to do with the subject that children vary across sectors of society. Because they are members of different sectors use the definition of their own, assess for communication, identification across disciplines, tracking, treatment and hampers the prevention efforts of child abuse, which may be limited.
Usually, you have to consider the Commission's actions in general, and neglect refers to acts of omission means. Parents or caregivers of child abuse include physical harm or danger to a child because of his acts and omission of acts by the Commission. While some health professionals and authors others do not, consider abandonment as part of the definition of abuse, was this damage may be unintentional because caregivers about how to raise a child, which may be the result of cultural beliefs the problem, they did not understand the seriousness, either. Child abuse and neglect, particularly emotional neglect, and children of the late effects of acts that qualify as abuse of diversity, are also factors.
Explains the World Health Organization (WHO) loss as a result, child abuse and child abuse and physical and / or emotional, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or all forms of commercial or other exploitation of actual or potential child health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Disease Control in the United States and from the Centers for Prevention (CDC), two acts of commission (abuse), words or damage, possible injury or approach that includes the actions of danger use the term child abuse. a child is hurt, and forget / neglect, , a child's basic physical, emotional, or educational needs or supply reduction operations for a child of any potential loss or damage. The children of our Prevention and Treatment Act, abuse as a child and describes the carelessness and at least one parent or guardian of any act or omission resulting in the death, serious physical or emotional harm, Recent sexual abuse or an imminent risk of abuse and / or serious injury by an act or omission.
The World Health Organization distinguishes the 4 types of child maltreatment that are include
physical abuse; sexual abuse; emotional and psychological abuse; and neglect.
Physical abuse
The experts and ordinary people, often do not agree on what behaviors constitute sexual exploitation of a child. Physical abuse often does not occur in isolation, but authoritarian control, causes behavior problems, and as part of a constellation of behaviors, including lack of parental warmth. WHO defined as physical abuse:
Causes or health, survival, deliberate use of physical force against a child that has a high probability of causing damage to the child's development or dignity. This includes hitting, punching, kicking, shaking, biting, choking, suffocation, burns, burns, poisoning and died. The house is delivered in order to punish violence against children.
Joan Durrant and Ron Ensom is intended to give more physical, and physical punishment in the form of writing. The physical and subtle or no distinction between the use of overlapping definitions of physical punishment of children and punishment. For example, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, the UN Secretary-General writes in the study on violence against children
Physical punishment includes hitting, 'pleasant', 'slapping, spanking children, hand or an object whip, stick, belt, shoe, wooden spoon, etc. But it can also include, for example, are, throw shaking or children kicking, scratching and, pinching, biting, hair or boxing ears, pulling children uncomfortable forced to remain in the positions, burning, burning or, for example, forced ingestion, washing soap or forced swallow them with spices.
Kids in the risk of serious injury or death, which most states have child abuse laws consider intentional infliction of serious injury or illegality of his actions. Bruises, the scrapes, burns, fractures, lacerations and frequent accidents, falls, and can cause injury to several shocks may physical abuse. Multiple injuries or fractures in various stages of healing may raise suspicion of abuse.
As psychologist Alice Miller, is known for his books on child abuse, felt humiliation, beatings and blows ,,,, slaps on the face, etc. They damage the integrity and dignity of a child , although the results are all forms of abuse are not immediately apparent.
Sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse (CSA) in which an adult for sexual stimulation is a form of child abuse or older adolescent abuses a child. Direct economic benefit of committing sexual abuse or physical satisfaction refers to the person of a child in sexual activity. CSA farm, asking regardless of the result, with a baby to a child with a child under pressure to a child pornography exposure of genitals in order to engage in sexual activity indecent exposure of the genitals, the sexual contact including, physical contact of the child, the child's genitals look without physical contact, or using a child to produce child pornography. Is seen selling sexual services with children and child imprisonment instead of the services offered can be treated as child abuse.
Child sex are exploiting the victims of the effects of the crime, flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, fear of things associated with objects, including abuse, smells, places, doctor visits, etc., problems of self esteem, sexual dysfunction, chronic pain, addiction, injured himself, suicidal ideation, physical complaints, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, such as borderline personality disorder and other mental illnesses, and dissociative identity disorder, a tendency to target children adult I, of the bulimia nervosa, and physical damage, among other problems. Children are also victims of their immature immune system and increases the risk of getting a high capacity due to sexually transmitted diseases for forced sexual contact during Mucosal tears. Sexual problems, increased HIV prevalence, risky sex in ways, from condoms, with little knowledge of decreased been correlated with several risk factors of HIV and sexually attacked at an early age of safe sex practices the frequent change of sexual partners, and more years of sexual activity.
Roughly 15% and 25% in women and 5 percent of men and 15 percent were sexually abused when they were children. Sex familiar with most offenders are victims of exploitation; approximately 30% of the child's relatives, often brothers, fathers, mothers, uncle or cousin, about 60 per cent of family friends, children, or neighbors known by other names, about 10% of foreign criminals in child sexual abuse cases. More than a third of cases, the attack is a minor.
1999 BBC survey on sexual exploitation of Truth Foundation in India, the author was the point where 76 percent of respondents said they were abused as children of a family member 40%.
Psychological abuse
Psychological abuse is a form refers to violence as emotional abuse or misuse of mental abuse is done, the person subjecting or other behavior that could cause psychological trauma from exposed features, anxiety, chronic depression, or post traumatic stress disorder, including. It is associated with abusive relationships, harassment and abuse in the workplace power imbalance conditions, such as how often the abuse.
Neglect abuse
The lack of the parent or other person with responsibility for child neglect child health, child safety, and welfare of the necessary food, clothing, shelter to that is threatened with welfare, medical care, damage or to provide security. Neglect of child survival, care, love and attention deficit around a child which will be suitable for nutritional deficiencies, and no coverage and related requirements.
Are some of the observable signs of a neglected child: children often lack sufficient clothing for absently school, ask or food or stealing money, lack of essential medical and dental care is always messy, or weather. 2010 report child abuse (NCANDS), the federal government reports provided by the security services to children like the years of States (CPS) agencies in the United States, data on annual loss, abuse neglect was the most common form.