Now a days due to economic condition of Pakistan and high inflation rate their is a massive increase in child Labor in Pakistan. In this article the prospective randomized trial is used to evaluate the effect of two food-for-education in the results of education and child labor for children from low-income families in northern Burkina Faso in rural areas. FFE under consideration are, firstly, school canteens, where students are provided with lunch every school day, and quotas on the other hand, to take home, which provides girls with 10 kg of flour grain each month, in the kind of condition 90% attendance. After running the program for one academic year, both programs have increased enrollment 3-5 percentage points.

Math scores improved for girls in all schools hometowns meals and food rations. conditional registration made interventions reach the decline, but this was mainly due to declining attendance among new enrollees. Interventions also led to the modification of child labor, with children (especially girls) with access to food for education programs, including portions of transformation of labor tasks and nonfarm productivity agriculture that are possibly more conflict with school hours.