Facts on child labor in world


There are many factors that affect on child Labor increases. Some of them are discussed below.

1. Work type that are Labor Intensive:
Australia imports annually worth $ 16 million dollars snuff produced by child labor, including snuff produced in the United States, this crop is labor intensive and very often children are exposed to serious health risks, including smoking. Most cigarette smokers in Australia are unaware they consume snuff assets.

2. International Labor Organisation Studies 
According to the ILO, and that 168 million children are engaged in child labor worldwide from 2013.

3. This 168 million children, 85 million are engaged in what is international "Business Organization of Hazardous work."

4. According to a study by the International Labour Organization in 2004, the benefits of eliminating child labor "outweigh the costs by nearly six to one."

5. Saharan Africa has the second largest number of child laborers in the world, about $ 59 million in 2012. According to the Pew Research Center, and children five to 17 years, or 21.4 percent, are involved in child labor, while 10.4 percent involved in hazardous work.

6. Agriculture accounts for 60 percent of child labor according to the ILO.

7. And you pay only one in five children involved in child labor for their work.

8. Most children in child labor reproduce this work without pay.

9. The list includes 10 countries by Maplecroft, contained in the worst countries for child labor in 2012, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea and Myanmar. The other six countries, all in Africa: Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia, Burundi and Zimbabwe.

10. It was 60 percent of children in Ethiopia, in some forms of child labor. Many of these children work in the mining industry. An industry that poses some of the greatest risks for workers children.